Wednesday, December 26, 2007


My current project is actually an old project, a play I've been working on for several years in fits and starts. I love the source material, a sprawling and delicately wrought 19th-century novel. But the beautiful language is also my hang-up. How can I turn 720 pages of novel into about 120 pages of script? My inclination is always to make the dialogue more terse, and in many ways, it needs to be. But how can I keep the flavor of the original? How much of the dialogue should be the original author's words, and how much should be my own?

I'm working from the following basic outline:
120 pages total, 3 acts.
Act 1, pages 1-29. BIG EVENT occurs on page 30, heralding the beginning of
Act 2, pages 30-89, with another BIG EVENT on page 90, beginning
Act 3, pages 90-120.
And there should also be plot shifts at pages 10, 30, 50, and 75.

See, I like this kind of structure, although it's very different from how I approached the novel this fall. My past stabs at this play have involved poring over pages of dialogue and trying to write scenes, but without any sense of overall structure. I think I got up to 45 pages of dialogue from 200 pages of novel, and I wasn't even into the really meaty parts. I think there will be some dropping of sub-plots, some tightening of focus. We shall see. It's fun to have a new project, at least.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Miracle of Miracles

In a rush to finish our 1,000 Christmas projects, I was linking from the Christmas letter on our family website to lots of pictures we took this year. And of course I got sucked in to looking at ALL the pictures, the ones of me hugely pregnant this time last year, and of Edythe when she was born. It’s such a miraculous concept, this baby business. Yes, I understand the biological, but there’s a wondrous component that defies complete comprehension. I will never forget the feeling I had when Edythe was born, and the nurse placed her on my chest. We were one, and then we were two. It’s the most ordinary, everyday occurrence, and yet the most amazing experience of my life.

The Christmas story has new meaning for me this year. God chose to send His Son in this ordinary, humble, and miraculous way. He didn’t appear on the palace steps in a puff of smoke, all bedazzled and heralded by a brass band. He was born, the same way any of us were born, or the animals in the stable were born. It’s so normal, and yet so incredible a way to begin.

So many miracles, great and small, surround us. My Christmas wish for you, dear reader, is that you are given the gift of realization of life as you live it; that you are blessed with the senses to experience the world, and a heart open enough to really feel it.

Merry Christmas.



Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Holly Daze!

We are all in a tither at Chez Blue finishing approximately 1,000 Christmas projects, so this blog will likely go dark until the new year. But fear not, more writing projects are on the horizon, along with more kvetching! I have recently resurrected a play I've been working on, an adaptation of a 19th-century novel that I love. And my goal is to finish it before ScriptFrenzy in April, when I want to work on something original. More on that later.

But for now, happy holidays to you! I hope you're enjoying lots of excellent cookies!

Friday, December 14, 2007

So Sayeth the Cookie

Christopher and I had a (brief, but blissful) dinner sans baby tonight. My fortune:

Joy comes from adventure today. Time to shake the world up.

I liked that.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Good Story, Well Told

That’s what it’s all about, this writing thing.

Lately I’ve been stuck on the good story aspect. I hear so many stories at work, but of course I can’t use those. And besides, there’s a difference between hearing an interesting story and really understanding it in your soul. Good writing makes you feel the latter. I’m always afraid of not getting the details right and having my stories come across as inauthentic.


Christopher even set aside time for me to write last night, offering to do all the dishes, and I felt awful because my mind was a total blank. How boring.

Maybe I need to stop trying to write something serious or meaningful, and write something funny and vapid.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Criticism, Contd.

Given yesterday's topic, I had to share this quote from Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire, which I'm reading and really enjoying. Note that I say reading; it takes several weeks (or even months) to get through a book now. I used to read most novels in a day. Sigh. Anyway, I thought this was great:

"Stinging words! You're critical of everyone," observes Iris.
"Oh, not everyone," says Clara in an offhand manner. "Only everybody who's alive as well as most people who are dead. I feel quite neutral about anybody not yet born."

Now don't you be critical of the formatting of the quote. For some reason when I include tabs they don't translate to the published post. :P

Monday, December 10, 2007

On Criticism

Someone—I will not say who—has lately been accusing moi of being overly critical. Me? Critical? Never!

Okay, maybe a little.

It’s good to be critical sometimes, like if there’s a document to be edited for work. I’ll never forget the day I discovered that a former boss, rather critical herself, had sent out a letter to tens of thousands of subscribers likening a character in the current stage production to the children’s game of "Hungry Hungry Hippies".* For some reason, she was not appreciative when I pointed out the mistake. I think she was just bummed that she’d been out-criticized.

When writing a first draft, it’s necessary but hard to turn off that internal editor, or superego, or whatever one wants to call it. That little voice that says, “You don’t know anything about writing fiction. You should get a degree in it before you even start this project!” or “Even really good writers who have worked at this for years and years can’t get their novels published! What gives you the right to waste everybody’s time?” or “What you wrote tonight is crap. You’d have made better use of the last hour of your life if you had done the dishes like you were supposed to. Now you’ve wasted everybody’s time and let your family down.”

My internal editor speaks in italics a lot.

One should note that I chose to spend my lunch break writing this blog entry about being critical, rather than actually working on the novel. It’s much easier to write critically than creatively. Which is probably why we all do the former so much more often than the latter.

*Details of the incident changed slightly, to protect the critical, but the gist is the same. Wouldn’t Hungry Hungry Hippies be a good game, though? Picture the little plastic bearded and dreadlocked heads munching on organic granola, or, in a pinch, Ho-hos and Doritos. Give ‘em some snacks, man!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Nuttin, Honey

I've done no writing the last few days. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. There's just been too much "real life" going on. You know, picking up the house, shopping for Christmas presents, taking care of a sick and fussy baby.

I get embarrassed when I have nothing of interest to report here, and want to delete the whole blog. But that would kind of defeat the purpose, of this keeping me accountable, wouldn't it?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Finding the Time Part 2

As my aunt pointed out, I neglected to mention one key component of the time management equation in my previous post. And that, of course, is my husband.

He has a strange and demanding schedule, to be sure. I like to think of what we do as shift parenting. Christopher works 30 hours a week, spending two or three long days in the office, and telecommuting the rest of the time. He also stays home with Edythe while I go to my day job, for approximately 36 hours a week (9 hours day/3 days week). And he takes two classes, for a total of six hours a week.

So that's what, 30 + 36 + 6 = 69 hours/week, not including commuting time and homework time.

Basically, we just see each other on Sundays. And once in a while on a weeknight. So that's one reason I can find all this time to write while Edythe is sleeping. Christopher isn't home either, so it isn't as if I'm missing out on family time. On the other hand, I really should be picking up more of the household chores.

My current duties are:
Working full time (being the primary breadwinner)
Handling virtually all the night wakeups
Solo parenting on Saturdays and several weeknights

Writing this, I feel quite lazy. Christopher is unbelievably and unfailingly supportive of my writing efforts. He reads this blog every day, even when I don't post. He encourages me and doesn't pester me about reading what drivel I've written. Some of my friends and family are rather critical, so having someone be so unashamedly supportive of my efforts is a rarity and a blessing indeed.

Shhh, don't tell, but the cats and I are getting him this for Christmas, as a special thank-you.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This is Why I Need NaNoWriMo

I think about writing often, I do. I come up with exciting ideas for my novel, or compose posts in my head. Just today during training I made a whole page of tightly spaced notes about new plot ideas.

But did I write anything tonight, other than this post? No. Because it's now 9:45, and after 2.5 hours of screaming, Edythe is finally in bed. I don't blame her; she has a cold, got her second tooth today, and we were trying to convince her to fall asleep in our hotel room, where she could see that we were still awake. Even once she did fall asleep, there was still the issue of us only having one laptop and Christopher having a paper to write (which he just finished). Now I'm tired. And I have more training tomorrow. Why is it that insomnia can be so brutal at night, but during any sort of training or meeting I have an intense desire to nod off?

Anyway, my point is that I do think about writing, all the time, but without the "specialness" of a month set aside in which to concentrate on it, life creeps in. Often rightfully so. Christopher has a really full schedule--more on that later--and I should do more of the housework than I have been. Plus, I want to spend as much waking time with Edythe as I can. Our hours are limited enough already.

But I do miss writing. I like many of the qualities of my day job, but it does little to fulfill my artistic/creative side. Which is maybe a good thing. In many of my arts management jobs, I was near but not in the center of the artistic action. I'm being forced to do my own creative work now, which is both more challenging and fulfilling.

Friday, November 30, 2007

But How Did You Find the Time?

This is the other question I get a lot.

To be honest, finding time to write was much easier than I had anticipated. No Plot, No Problem and the NaNo forums are full of helpful/panicky ideas, like cooking and freezing a month's worth of dinners and chopping up a whole bunch of veggies ahead of time, because you won't have time to cut your own vegetables in November!!!!!! And you'd better hire a maid because you won't be able to put your own laundry in the washing machine!!!!!

Pish posh.

Here's what I did:
Wrote during lunch breaks at work.
Wrote after Edythe went to bed (generally between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.) or during her naps on weekends.
Did some extra cleaning/organizing at the end of October so I could slack a bit in November.
Cut way back on internet time.*
Rarely watched TV. **
Tried not to start too many craft projects.
When I got stuck on one part of the story, jumped to another part. Or if I was bored, ended the scene and started a new one. If I was sick of a character, I stopped including her. It's my book, I can do what I want.
Rarely worked out.***

On the grand scale of busy times in my life, this past month doesn't rate anywhere near as high as, say, graduate school, or tech for virtually any show I've done. Or wedding planning. Or having a newborn.

If you're considering participating next year, I say go for it! You can find the time! If you want to.

It's the wanting to that's key.

I'm still writing 1k/day for fun, and can't wait for Script Frenzy in June!

*I think this is critical. I can't help but roll my eyes at the people stuck at 25,000 words today, but with a hundred posts by their NaNoWriMo profiles. That's increasing the wrong wordcount!
**This wasn't a change I made, but I think it did have an effect on my writing time, so I'm listing it.
***Okay, this one was bad. But it also had to do with the time/weather change (it's now dark and cold out so I can't take E for walks when I get home).

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Two for One?

Hmnm. I think maybe I've started a second book. I don't know. It's gone off in a very different direction from my original NaNo project. This could be a good thing. Usually I enjoy the editing process much more than the first draft writing process, so I'll go with this extended drafting!

Work has been draining this week. I know all workplaces have their more difficult personalities, but the difficult personalities I work with are certifiable. Really.

I have this fantasy, where I stay home with Edythe and write during her naps. I'd get to see her for more than that hectic last hour before bedtime. We could go to the park, and hang out with my other mom friends, and make crafts together and sell them on etsy. Me and my girl, in our matching dresses that I'd sew. And I'd teach her to cook, and we'd make dinner for Christopher every night. I can see it now. Fire in the fireplace, fresh baked cookies on the table, Edythe and I and the cats, all lined up in a row and with cute little bows on our heads.

Whew! Ah, my tummy hurts from all the laughing. Yeah, that would be fun, living in a cardboard box and eating leaves for dinner.

Christopher and I have an agreement. I can stay home and write once my writing is generating actual income. I know, isn't he just annoyingly practical and unfair?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So, Can I Read the Book?

I've had a couple of people ask me if they can read the book.

The short answer is, no.

The long answer is, it's not anywhere near being completed. When I said I was "finished," I meant I'd hit 50K and had won NaNoWriMo. Even if I weren't still adding to the first draft daily (which I am), when writing at such a furious pace, the first draft is more like a sketch than a fully executed portrait. Add to the mix that this is my first novel, and you can imagine what a sketchy state it's in now, indeed. I'm actually a little afraid to go back and look at the first draft at this point. So I'll just keep making it longer!

A couple of my NaNo buddies are still furiously writing, so I want to give a shout-out and oodles of encouragement to CKHB, Harriet_Vane, crankymama, and Li! Go, mamas, go!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

We Artsy Types Know How to Throw a Party

So, you may be wondering, other than adding that fabulous new winner icon to her website, how did RB celebrate finishing her novel?

Well first I told Christopher. He was happy for me, but not jump-up-and-down happy, as he had been to a friend's funeral that day. We opened a bottle of wine, special wine that we'd bought in September and saved for just this occasion. But it had gone bad. We opened a second bottle of the same, tried it, and it had gone bad too. So we toasted with a $6 bottle of Trader Joe's Coastal. And then we had one of those long, stay up way too late and get depressed conversations about What Are We Doing With Our Lives.

The next day there was a trip to the winery, where we exchanged the bad wine for good. The staff was very nice, the drive was beautiful, and Edythe did have fun playing in the leaves outside. But it was also freezing cold, we were in a hurry, and Edythe was a superfuss for the entire car trip.

And now, I'm missing writing every day. I have some more ideas for this novel, how I might take pieces from this project and use them with something else I've had in mind. We'll see. I'm going to write a bit tonight. Maybe I'll keep posting a daily word count, just to keep myself honest. It's interesting, though, that I already find that I read books differently. I pay more attention to structure and how the author reveals things about the characters.

I'll post more thoughts about the NaNoWriMo experience later, but now I need to write.

Edited to Add: 1143

Friday, November 23, 2007

November 23 and Guess What?

(Cue trumpet fanfare.) I finished the novel tonight!

Total Word Count: 50, 042

And now I'm going to back away from the computer and open up that bottle of good wine that Christopher and I have been saving for the occasion.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

November 22. Happy Thanksgiving!

Tonight I give thanks for having an imagination, for having the ability to create, and for having a loving family who supports me despite my seemingly neverending supply of crazy ideas.

I am blessed to be able to celebrate today with so much of my family, from Little Edie who smeared apple pie all over her head, to my in-laws who braved the traffic to drive down from New Hampshire, and to my brother and sister-in-law and my Aunt who joined us from afar by phone. I do indeed have a lot to be thankful for.

Not to mention this crazy warm weather! Can you believe we were wearing sandals on Thanksgiving?

Today's Word Count: 699/2,000
Total Word Count: 46,318/50,000 (93%)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 21

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and today it was 70 degrees outside. This is weird but good, because I think the warm weather loosened up my brain as well as my fingers. The story is just flowing now, and I seem to be at the climax, an exciting place to be.

Which, by definition, is what a climax should be, right?

I had planned to take tomorrow off to wallow in pie, but I have a feeling I may be back at the computer before Friday.

Today's Word Count: 2,435/2,000
Total Word Count: 45,619/50,000 (91%)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

November 20

So this is it, I'm getting into the home stretch. I'm kind of glad, what with the convenient distractions of relatives visiting and Thanksgiving food to prepare and the general holiday hoopla.

I don't feel like the novel is anywhere near "finished," not even for a first draft, but I'm starting to wrap things up. I don't know whether I'll go beyond 50K, or whether I'll want to start editing it immediately. I had thought not, but this morning a better opening occurred to me.

I am quite glad I'm ahead on my word count. At this point, with only 6,816 words to go, and my typical pace of a thousand words in thirty minutes, I could finish in an afternoon if I wanted to. It's nice to be so close to the end that I can take my time getting there, like savoring the last gooey bite of a Reese's Cup that has partially melted between my fingers. Mmmmn.

Also, I must confess that while I had sworn not to begin any holiday craft projects until the novel was finished, I did go a little nuts at Michaels this weekend with my brother and sister-in-law. And I am determined that Christopher, Edythe and I will be wearing matching hats in our holiday photo this year. Hats that I am making. For the photo we will be taking this weekend.

Relaxing? What is this relaxing you speak of? Relaxing is for dead people. Must... make things... at all times!

Today's Word Count: 1,077/2,000
Total Word Count: 43,184/50,000 (That's 86% to you!)

Monday, November 19, 2007

November 19

If you haven't checked out The Rouge Wave yet, you should, for it is unmatched in its awesomeness. Although I have no interest in writing a screenplay, from my experience reading scripts I can vouch that her advice is spot-on, and is applicable to many forms of literary art. I found this in a post from yesterday:

"So often, if you have a family and a day job, the demands of others encroach upon us. It can be guilt-inducing to close the door and enter the necessary isolation to write. Somebody needs to go to the grocery store, wash the car, pay the bills – and yet you are sitting, alone, doing something that may never pay one red cent. It’s insane. But we need to do it."

That's what I wanted to say today, but she said it so much better. Go read the rest of the column, and her whole darn tootin' blog while you're at it.

And support the striking writers too, please.

Today's Word Count: 2,006 (for the second day in a row... weird)/2,000
Total Word Count: 42,107/50,000 (84%, so close I can taste it)

Sunday, November 18, 2007

November 18

I finally hit 40,000 today! But the combination of long stretches of typing and too much baby carrying is starting to take its toll on my arms. Edythe has reached the stranger anxiety phase where she wants to be held by me, and only me, as much as possible. It's very sweet that she's so snuggly, but my arms are tired.

We had an excellent dinner tonight with my BFF and her two daughters, who are nearly 4 and 3. Watching the almost-four-year-old engage in imaginative play was interesting, because most of us did it at one point, constructed these worlds and acted out scenes with our invented characters. But when do we lose that ability to play and not care who is watching? I blame middle school. Middle school stinks.

I'm losing a bit of novel-steam these days, and am feeling a bit preoccupied with getting ready for Thanksgiving and visiting relatives and my really packed week at work.

Today's Word Count:2,006/2,000
Total Word Count: 40,101/50,000 (80%)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

November 17

I had planned to try to get to 40,000 words today. But instead, Little Edie and I spent some quality time with my brother and sister-in-law, and now I'm going to hang out with my husband. In short, I'm spending the day with real people instead of imaginary ones. An excellent decision.

Today's Word Count: 1,053/2,000
Total Word Count: 38,095/50,000 (76%)

Friday, November 16, 2007

November 16

Christopher just got home from work, and I finished my word count for the day. Time to go relax for a bit. It's been a hectic week.

I think the novel is picking up steam now, heading toward a climax and conclusion, which will be nice to experience. It's been quite interesting writing without a plot outline, because I just make stuff up as I go, and we don't often get to do that in life (not without suffering the consequences, at least). And if I get bored writing a scene, I change it, or I go work on some other part for a while. While I've written a lot of crap, I've also been pleasantly surprised by some of what's happened when I've let it.

Today's Word Count: 2,038/2,000
Total Word Count: 37,042/50,000 (74% of the way there!)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15

Yeay, we're back home where we have two computers! I finished adding all the new parts of the novel I'd come up with during my training, and a little more besides.

Today is November 15, halfway day. I'm proud to say that I'm more than halfway through.

And now I must go because The Office is about to come on!

Today's Word Count: 2,004/2,000
Total Word Count: 35,004/50,000 (70% of the way there!)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14

Training was long and boring, but I took advantage of the time to think through my plot and make a bunch of notes about how to tie things together, what to add, where the story might go next, etc. So all in all it was a productive day.

We dined at The Galaxy Diner tonight. Peanut butter & jelly milkshakes are where it's at! Little Edie was well behaved, which was fortunate because we made friends with a woman due to meet her own little bundle of joy on Friday. Heh heh. We didn't tell her to enjoy her sleep now. I was hoping she'd order the "Knock me up, Scotty" (I think it's fried pickles and ice cream), but she just got a milkshake and a giant plate of nachos.

I dedicate tonight's word count to Christopher, who let me use the laptop despite having a paper due and a report to write for work. And also to Little Edie, who has not woken up yet, thus allowing me to write.

Today's Word Count: 2, 199/2,000
Total Word Count: 33,000/50,000

In a way I can't wait to hit 50,000 words and be done with this novel, but in a way I think I'll miss it. I'm already planning my next big writing project, and how I'll improve on what I've done this time. So even if this isn't great literature I'm writing now, it's still been an important experience.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

November 13

Out of town for training, limited computer access, not much time to write or to post.

Today's Word Count: 747/2,000
Total Word Count: 30,801/50,000

Monday, November 12, 2007

November 12

Too tired to write much, and must pack for my stupid work trip that starts tomorrow. I tried to write a bunch today, because I figure I won't have much time while I'm out of town.

Today's Word Count: 3,322/2,000
Total Word Count: 30, 054/50,000 (60% of the way there)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11

Today was a banner day! I broke 25,000 words, so I'm more than halfway there! We celebrated by opening a bag of mint m&ms, first of the season! Those things are addictive. Good thing we only bought one bag.

Also, my novel has suddenly become interesting. I've continued in this surreal adventure vein for a while, and have found it to be great fun. I think I even know how to tie it in with what I'd written before. It's very exciting. My fingers were flying today.

Also, I repotted all my geraniums to bring them inside to try to winter them over, and I planted some pansies and cabbages outside. I find it much nicer to write in cheerful surroundings. And my gardening efforts were an excellent excuse to go to the garden center with Christopher and Little Edie today and gawk at the koi and chrysanthemums and over-the-top Christmas trees.

I wish every day could be like this.

Today's Word Count: 3,679/2,000
Total Word Count: 26,732/50,000 (53% of the way there!)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

November 10

I don't want to use this blog as a forum to air my family's dirty laundry. But I do want to be honest about the daily challenges I'm facing. So let's just say that sometimes being supportive is much easier to do in theory than in practice. For me, this applies to Christopher going back to school, and for him, I think this applies to my writing and other artistic projects. If we only had a maid, so we could do our shift parenting thing and still have time to pursue our degrees/artistic fulfillment, and to sleep occasionally, without having to fight about who should have cleaned up what and when.

Little Edie has reached that "caged polar bear" stage where she knocks down, pulls out, throws, eats, or shreds everything she can get her hands on. While I'm picking up the toilet paper she's unrolled, she's pulling all her pajamas out of the drawer and grabbing the cat (the one cat that isn't knocking pictures off the bookshelf or digging up the geraniums I'm trying to winter).

So I can see why one might be frustrated when one comes home from class late at night and the place is a disaster. On the other hand, it's impossible to keep the house clean these days, especially if one is spending several hours a day writing. That's all I'm saying.

We all went out for pizza at The Lost Dog Cafe tonight, because we needed a little family fun time before the holidays, when the true family fights will begin.

Today's Word Count: 1,812/2,000
Total Word Count: 23,053/50,000 (46% of the way)

Friday, November 9, 2007

November 9

I have a bone to pick with Google Documents today. Twice in the past 24 hours it has lopped off the last 53 words of what I have saved. Considering that the program auto-saves every 60 seconds while I'm typing, and considering that I always use the "save and close" function rather than just closing the document, I find this pretty annoying.

I know it has been exactly 53 words each time, since I'm tracking and updating my word counts so often. It's bizarre. I saved my work into a Word Document tonight as backup.

I am still finding this writing process frustrating. First I had a boring, meandering book. Then I tried to give it some plot by making bad stuff happen to my characters. Now I have a boring, depressing, meandering book.

Tonight I went off in a totally different direction, and now there' s a good thousand words of nonsense to add into the mix. At least it was fun to write.

I'm hoping against hope that suddenly the light bulb will go on, I'll see how it all fits together, and I'll have smooth writing from here. But I don't know. I'm not even halfway there yet. I will finish it, because I'm persistent like that, but whether the novel becomes anything is yet to be seen.

Today's Word Count: 2,187 in actually progress, but 2,293 if you count the 106 words I had to re-write because of Evil Google Documents.
Total Word Count: 21,241/50,000 (42% of the way there!)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 8

I wonder when I'll start to feel secure about this project. I'm writing more slowly and deliberately now, and exciting things are happening to my characters. They've become significantly darker and more interesting. But I can't shake the mean little voice on my shoulder, telling me I'm writing a very crappy book about a subject I remember nothing about, and I should just stop now.

Of course, this is the whole point of this project, isn't it? Not to listen to that voice, and to just keep going? Even if, in the end, it does indeed turn out to be a crappy book, I hope to learn how to get past this point. I hear it gets better, that week three the storm clouds break and the sun peeks through and everything feels sunnier.

For now I'm trying to be useful and channel my novel-writing angst into pre-teen girl angst. Sigh. I have no idea if it's working. This is a very solitary process, which I usually like, but I wish I had some cheerleaders in my corner at the moment. I suppose I could go post on the NaNo forums, but I've been trying not to get sucked in there.

Today's Word Count: 2,189/2,000
Total Word Count: 19,054/50,000 (38% of the way!)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

November 7, Part 2

I was blocked today because:

1. My main character is an 11/12-year-old, and I'm not around anyone of that age on a regular basis, so I couldn't remember how they talked, which led to
2. Writing all my dialogue as if my characters were less intelligent and more nice than adults, and

3. Writing with an idea of a climax, but no idea how to get there.

Since I don't have time to go out and volunteer at a tween center to observe this age group in their natural habitat, I was looking online. But you know, it's really hard to find blogs or forums for tweens. Try it! Put in some search terms and see what you get. It makes sense that this stuff wouldn’t be imminently googleable, with all the creeps out there, but it makes research hard for mild-mannered writers like me.

Then it dawned on me that NaNoWriMo has whole threads on their forums for the Young Writers Program participants. And while I didn't get any juicy, spilling-of-guts kind of material, I did realize that young people are just as smart and witty as adults, maybe more so.

And these kids can write! Especially the ones who regularly write fan fiction as a hobby, some of these kids are up to 30,000 or 40,000 words already. And that's with them doing it all on evenings and weekends, and parents limiting computer time. Plus some have written 200+ articulate posts on the forum. I must say, I am impressed and inspired.

I skipped ahead and wrote the first part of the climax. It was fun, much more fun than all this boring, endless exposition has been.

Updated stats for today:
Today's word count: 2,758/2,000
Total word count: 16,865/50,000

November 7

I was going to take a break, and not work on the novel today. I've written all this stuff now, but it's not going anywhere. I bet if I were to copy it into a word document, I'd be somewhere between 20 and 40 pages.

Just tried it. Twenty-four pages, single-spaced.

This is the point where I usually give up on my noveling attempts, and consign them to the folder which is marked "Writing" but should really be titled "Novel Graveyard." I can think of several topics that would be better and easier to write about than the one I'm currently struggling with. My dialogue is clunky, my characters don't have defined voices, and everybody is too nice to each other. I still don't know exactly what the best friend looks like. And I am so tired of describing things!

I took a NaNo suggestion and watched Napoleon Dynamite last night, to get an idea of pacing. Gosh, I love that movie. I've probably seen it a dozen times and it still cracks me up. Also, the scenes are very short. My scenes are very long, usually about 2,000 words per scene, because I end up writing one a day. I don't know where to stop and start. Do I start when the character walked in the door? When they got up this morning? When they were eight? And I can't end a scene until it comes to its realistic and boring conclusion.

Even thinking about it makes me want to take a nap.

Anyway, I did write some today, and I did manage to make one of the scenes shorter. But I'd still kind of like to throw this out and start over completely.

Today's Word Count: 1,471/2,000
Total Word Count: 15, 574/50,000


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

November 6

Getting started was much more difficult today. I made some notes, sketched out some ideas of where this all might be going. I may have a general theme now. But in a way, that makes it harder, because now all the text has to mean something, has to contribute to that theme. Whereas before I was just exploring, now I'm starting to do things to my characters, have calamities befall them, so I can start moving the plot along.

Struggles are to be expected at this stage of the game, I suppose. But still, those first 500 words today were hard.

Of course, Edythe also woke up every 90 minutes last night, so I could be experiencing some cognitive issues from lack of sleep. She's so cute, especially when she's sleepy, I don't really mind, until my alarm clock goes off in the morning and I have to go to work and pretend to be functional.

On the other hand, Christopher is being a huge support through all this, bringing me treats, offering to watch the baby so I have time to write, and actually reading my blog. If I can get through this, I owe it in large part to him. Every writer should be so lucky as to have such a staunch supporter.

Daily Word Count: 1,981/2,000
Total Word Count: 14,103/50,000

Monday, November 5, 2007

November 5

I'm up above 12,000 words now, yippee! Nearly a quarter of the way there. If I were aiming for the normal finish-in-30-days rate of 1,667 words a day, this would put me well into week two. Which probably explains why I'm having some of those week two struggles with defining Where This Is All Going.

So far, I've basically written a lot of character-building short stories about these people I'm getting to know. I hope that someday, in their more edited form, these stories will become chapters. But now I need to start finding some unifying theme, some sense of where it's all going, and I haven't quite discovered that yet. In fact, I'm still playing with the age of the main character, so maybe once I figure that out I'll have a better idea of the plot.

I've been pleasantly surprised by how easy this has all been, so of course I now expect to run up against horrible writer's block at any moment. In No Plot, No Problem Chris Baty suggests bolstering word counts on those more difficult days by including long and wacky dream sequences or giving a character a stutter. I'm hoping I won't need to do anything like that, because I'd like what I write to be useful to the book, in some shape or form. But who knows, in a few days I may start setting everything in mirror land where each item has an opposite that requires oodles of wordy description.

Oh, and a word on logistics. I've created a separate gmail account that I use only for novel-related things, so I don't get caught up in e-mail when I should be writing. I have several Google documents containing possible plot points, character notes, etc., and then a big one titled Novel that contains the obvious. I can access my documents anywhere with an internet connection, and every few days I copy the whole thing and save it as a Word document on our home network for backup. This writing is thrilling stuff, eh? Aaaaand suddenly I've turned Canadian.

Today's Word Count: 2,105/2,000
Total Word Count: 12,122/50,000

Sunday, November 4, 2007

November 4

Today's Word Count: 2,971/2,000
Total Word Count: 10,017/50,000

Over a fifth of the way there!

Too tired to write more today. Let's just say that I was very productive during my hours of insomnia last night.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

November 3

Wheeeee! Writing was a breeze today. I know it won't always be this easy, so I'm going to enjoy it while I can. I keep reading that week two feels like running into a brick wall. But today it went well, and I met my word count during Edythe's morning nap. Christopher has to work today (yes, he always has to work on Saturdays) so Edythe and I will celebrate by going for a hike with our friend Kelly. The weather has been just gorgeous here this week, so I'm glad for the excuse to get out of the house.

Plus, it will give me a chance to work off some of this Halloween candy. It doesn't matter how quickly I lost the baby weight if I put it all right back on over the holidays.

In other news, I made Edythe a sleep sack last night, out of fleece. She's grown too tall for all the ones she had last winter. To my surprise, the project took all of 20 minutes, including sewing! That's rare for me, because I usually have some sort of sewing mishap, putting the garment together backwards or jamming the machine with thread snippings or some such nonsense. But it went just fine. Maybe the creative juices are flowing over from one project into another.

Today's Word Count: 2,230/2,000
Total Word Count: 7,046/50,000

More than a tenth of the way there!

Friday, November 2, 2007

November 2

Writing was a little harder today. I'm still not sure where this is all going, so it's hard to know whether my character would do this or that, and which random tangents I should follow. But I met my word goal!

Today's Word Count: 2,009/2,000
Total Word Count: 4086/50,000

Update later in the afternoon: never mind, found some more inspiration today and did some more writing on a break. So, new and improved stats:

Today's Word Count: 2,739/2,000
Total Word Count: 4,816/50,000

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November 1

I woke up at 4:30 this morning with a raging allergy attack, and had two instantly uplifting thoughts.

1. It is 4:30 in the morning, and Edythe hasn't woken up once during the night, and
2. Today is the start of NaNoWriMo!

Since I couldn't get back to sleep, I decided to use the forces of my insomnia for good, not evil, and begin working on the book. And that is how, by lunch time, I reached my daily word goal. Word! Also, my main character now has a name. About an hour into writing, that was not the case. But she has one now!

Today's Word Count: 2,077/2,000
Total Word Count: 2,077/50,000

And now I would like to take a nap, please.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

1 Day to NaNoWriMo!

Whoopee! I can't wait to begin!

This Halloween morning is cool and crisp and lovely. The leaves are turning. The birds are chirping. I wrote a bunch of character notes yesterday during my all-day staff meeting. The one at which we planned to have a "plan the planning meetings" meeting. I feel good.

And today I'm (finally) publicizing this blog to friends and family. So welcome! Once the writing is underway, I'll be posting daily and cumulative wordcounts here, possibly with cool widgets. You're also welcome to track my progress on NaNoWriMo. Look for me, RubyBlue!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

2 Days to NaNoWriMo

I'm excited to begin.

Last night I spent 45 minutes brainstorming ideas for things or people that might be in the novel. No list of character questions, no plot formula, just writing down ideas as they popped into my head. It felt great.

And I'm continuing to re-read Ann Lamott's Bird by Bird, which is very encouraging to those of us going in without a clear picture of exactly what our books will become.

As a friend said, this is supposed to be fun, right?

Monday, October 29, 2007


This weekend, I accomplished some major cleaning out/reorganizing of the bedroom. But sadly, the radiant joy of accomplishment has been extinguished in the darkness of a bad Monday morning.

I am feeling rather hopeless about this book. I am bored trying to think up character information. I have a general idea of the setting and main character but no hint of a plot or why I should write about this person as opposed to anyone else. Other than having no other novel ideas.

Feeling bad about the novel before I even start writing is making me grouchy.

That and the lack of sleep. Edythe got her first tooth this weekend--very exciting!--but has slept poorly. Add that to my natural insomnia and horrible allergy attacks, and I am in a dark mood, indeed.

And of course all my most pushy and entitled clients are the ones to contact me this morning. It is difficult to be polite and professional sometimes. I just want to say, "Maybe if it is so critical for your son to get a job right now he should return my calls, instead of you bothering me about it multiple times a day."

Grumble grumble grumble.

Friday, October 26, 2007

I Hate Housework

I've been working on my character background information. It's going pretty well. I'm enjoying composing biopsychosocial-spiritual assessments for them all. Yes, I am a social worker.

But I'm beginning to panic about how, exactly, I will find time to write and keep my family fed and relatively clean. Christopher already shoulders the majority of the mountain of housework, and he can't physically take on any more than he is doing now. Like graduate school, I think this will be more an endurance test than a creative exercise.

But the house is a disaster that we already can't get a handle on, without me being sucked into novel writing. At best, the very best, I'll be maintaing this huge mess. My unfinished craft projects alone could swallow up a small pony.

I guess that's one good thing about this novel writing project; whether I finish or not, it won't cost me anything, and won't take up valuable closet space!

I wish I could call it sick day and go home and spend the day cleaning.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Column Rejection #1?

I don't know if I should start numbering the rejection notices. It might become depressing. Or amusing. I'm also not sure whether this is a rejection or just a receipt of submission note, but seeing how it's several weeks after I sent the piece in (by e-mail), I'm guessing it's a rejection. Here's what I heard from The Washington Post:

"Thanks for your submission. We have hundreds already and can't reply indetail [sic] to everyone. If we can use your piece, or want to discuss it withyou [sic] further, we will contact you. Thanks again."

Not the most beautifully crafted of rejection letters, but I'm sure the intern who wrote it was quite busy. I particularly like the "we have hundreds already" part. Way to make a girl feel special! My poor little column, fighting for life in some giant pile, or worse, already the victim of the intern's delete button.

I figure I'm due for a lot of rejection. It's only fair. In my literary management days, I must have sent out hundreds of rejection letters. They fell into two categories; return with encouragement, and return without encouragement.

Return with encouragement was something like:

"Dear Ms. Hoover, Thank you for sending us your play, An Earthworm Went in my Mouth and I Ated It: Songs of Ralphie. While we couldn't find a place for it in our season, we did enjoy reading it, and hope you will continue to keep us informed of your work. Sincerely, Ruby Blue, Literary Manger, etc."

Return without encouragement went more like this:

"Dear Mr. Skinner, Thank you for sending us your play, Something Wicked This Way Strums: My Affair With an Evil Guitar Teacher. While we were not able to find a place for it in our season, we wish you well in all your literary endeavors. Sincerely, Ruby Blue, etc."

I would say my note from the Post was more the latter, no?

Monday, October 22, 2007

To Do: Send

I don't want to curse my idea with plot rot, so I won't say too much. But I did enjoy writing some character sketches this morning, and they were coming fairly easily. I think having lowered my standards from "write a good book, or the 1st draft of a good book" to "write 50K of whatever about a character you like" has helped a lot. She's this quirky girl who's been hanging out in the back of my mind, and I've been pushing her off as Not Worthy of My Serious Literary Attempt.

But she's fun and weird and I think I could write a lot.

In other news, Edythe did not sleep well last night. I'm used to a sort of low-lying haze about my days, since I last got 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep what, a year ago? But some days are worse than others. For example, I just looked at the to-do list I'd typed up this morning. One of the items, in its entirety:


Send what? Where? To whom? And why?

Also, it's not even 11 and already I am wanting lunch. Clearly this will be a productive work day.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Come Here, Baby!

I spent a great deal of time yesterday--the entirety of Edythe's miraculous 2.5 hour nap--noting and abandoning various plots for my NaNo novel. I was trying to use the Snowflake Method to give me a sense of order, of direction and purpose. To outline where I am going, how to get there, and exactly what scenes I will need to write. It didn't work. I still didn't know what to write about. I grumbled that I should have spent the time cleaning, instead.

I took Edythe for a walk, hoping inspiration would strike. It was late afternoon, a cool, crisp autumn day. We saw a lot of red and gold-leafed trees. We swung in the swings at the park. We played peek-a-boo and giggled at dogs. We had a lovely time. I still had no clue what to write about.

Hours later, after I put Edythe to bed, I took a bath and read Of Mice and Men. It's around 50,000 words. It's very good. But I still don't know what to write about.

Today I'm re-reading Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, and No Plot? No Problem! A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days. The latter is by Chris Baty, who founded NaNo. Both authors say it is okay not to know where you're going. Lamott recommends focusing on short assignments. Just describe the porch. And write a bad first draft. Baty says enlightenment is overrated, and to just keep going, without worrying whether it's good.

This is very hard for me. I don't work this way. I am a planner. I need to know what will happen next. And I need to know that all the effort and sacrifice--not just mine, but my family's--will be worth it.

On the other hand, it's not as if I have an idea, unless a magical plot outline appears on my nightstand tomorrow morning. Or Edythe crawls in, clutching one in her hand.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I'm trying to flesh out the plot outline for my novel, and utterly stuck. Every idea seems either too contrived, too vapid, or too autobiographical.

I hate coming up with the concept. It is by far the worst part of writing, for me. I wish someone would hand me a plot and say "here, write this!"

Lack of a workable plot is why I have never made it past page 40 in any of the books I have tried to write.

Today I really feel like giving up, and I haven't even started yet.

Friday, October 19, 2007

A Bit of A Panic

As usual, I'm struggling to decide on a topic. I live in great fear of choosing the wrong topic, getting 10,000 words in, and hating my novel and failing at the attempt.

Yesterday I was obsessed with whether I should set the novel in the past or the present. My original impulse had been to set it in the past, but then I began to get bogged down in historical detail.

For example, let's say my main character goes to the market to buy some fish. I don’t care what kind of fish she buys, or even what the market looks like, but I do care what it means for her to go. Is this a normal, everyday occurrence? A chore she hates but must do because she can’t afford a maid? An act of rebellion, because women aren’t supposed to leave the house on their own? A dangerous mission she must complete to bring food to her family? A chance to socialize and catch up on the neighborhood gossip?

I'm a big believer in person-in-environment. We don’t live in a vacuum, and the choices we make are influenced by the people and circumstances and culture around us, whether we realize it or not. So, to me, knowing a good deal about the social fabric of my setting is necessary for character and plot development.

Last night I took a break from my furious and unfocused research, and took a long walk with the baby, and cleaned the house. Scrubbing the bathtub felt almost therapeutic. Which is weird, for me. I hate cleaning.

And then this morning I came to a conclusion. If I set the novel in a particular historical time period, I will not finish, because I will be too bogged down with this historical muck. I already am! It’s a good thing to realize now.

So I think I will keep the general plot idea the same, but set it in the present. With a main character that has a penchant for wearing long skirts.

On a totally different subject, while my daughter and I were on our walk, we stopped at the park, where she stood unassisted for the first time!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ridiculous Goal Setting

NaNoWriMo is 30 days long. 50,000 words.

That means one should write approximately 1667 words per day to reach the goal.

I think my goal, which I am shamelessly stealing from a friend, will be to write 2,000 words a day, which theoretically gives me 5 days off. Because I know things will come up; cranky babies who don't sleep, mountains of housework, relative and tryptophan-induced comas on Thanksgiving, etc.

In November I'll post widgets on this blog so my word count will be visible, and will (I hope) keep me honest.

To tell the truth, I am both terrified and anxious for the race to begin. I am afraid to test myself this way, because it is very likely I will fail. On the other hand, the longer I sit with an idea, the more likely I am to think it's awful and throw it out without even trying.

So let's start, already! Before I create some more ridiculous goals.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ooh! Inspiration!

I went back to the cemetery during lunch today--I just couldn't get enough of those names!--and was inspired by a particularly compelling pair of gravestones. I sat and ate lunch under a tree and wondered about the lives of these people. And I brainstormed, and took notes.

I'm sure my coworkers think I'm bizarre, the woman who chooses to eat by herself in the cemetery and walks around lost in thought, muttering snatches of dialogue to herself.

On the other hand, I have inspiration! I have two weeks, I still may throw this out and start afresh, but this is good.

If only my "real job" weren't interfering with my research time! Drat!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I didn't want to post today, because I feel like I haven't done anything worthwhile today. But I'm trying to be more accountable, so here I am.

Actually, today I discovered that an online pal is also doing NaNo, so she and I can commiserate, at least. Also, she sent me a link to a good site for name meanings.

But I am stuck, seriously stuck, on a subject for this novel. I've considered and trashed a lot of ideas at this point. I'm terrified of picking something awful, getting several thousand words in, and finding I hate my subject and can't continue! Also, all my ideas seem too formulaic and overdone. Sigh.

I spent some time reading Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales today, and there was one I liked a lot, but I'm not sure I can do much with the themes. Maybe I'll be inspired while I sleep tonight.

Or maybe I'll finally finish reading Harry Potter.

See, yet another issue. How long have I been reading this now? A month? Granted, the middle was boring, but I used to be able to dash through books, boring or no, in a matter of days. I thought people who complained about having no time once the baby was born were either whiners or bad time managers. Boy was I wrong.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Of Stores and Cemeteries

Today during lunch I got off my butt, left the internets behind, and went for an inspirational walk.

I was beginning to feel hopeless about the novel that I haven't even started (because all my ideas are crap and I couldn't possibly write something worth reading). I've already started and abandoned several--okay, dozens--of novels and plays for exactly that reason.

But then I took a walk, to re-inspire myself, and disovered two great things:
1. There is a Border's Books & Music 5 minutes from my office, and
2. There is a small, old (1876) cemetery on the way.

I love old cemeteries--wandering there, wondering about the people whose lives are captured in such brief words on granite. And the names! My favorites of today: Hepzibah and Hester. Nobody uses those any more.

At Border's, I wandered around, thinking about whatever books caught my eye, and expanded/refined my lists of what I do and don't like in novels. A sampling:

Some Themes/Things I do like:
Plucky female heroines
People triumphing in the face of adversity/extraordinary/calamitous circumstances
People sacrificing everything for love
The family ties that bind and gag
Dark/sad/serious novels
A quick, terse writing style, that assumes the reader is intelligent
Realistic (truthful) relationships
Stories based on true stories/art/other novels
Subtle but important moral themes

Some Themes/Things I don't like:
Vapid chick-lit that focuses on shoes, sex, shopping, and landing a huband/dreamy boyfriend
Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels
Romance novels
Mystery/Thriller novels
Dialogue that is too "on the nose" (too obvious and unrealistic)
Un-funny humor
Intellectual for the point of being intellectual, not artistic/good noveling choices
Novels bogged down in historical details
Obvious and forced moral themes

Now the trick is to choose a subject/themes that I do like, and not fall into something I don't like because I think I should or it would be easier.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Progress Update #3

I finished the column! And I sent it in, a whole day before the cutoff! Now to wait for my first official rejection letter.

As a result of my finishing the column this morning, I have a very grouchy husband and baby to contend with. It's hard, all this prioritizing of time. I try to work in the middle of the night when they're sleeping, but it doesn't always happen.

On the other hand, yeay! I sent it in!

Now we're off for a day of fun and friends downtown.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Progress Update #2

I have finished my first draft of the column! Now to edit.

Okay, actually I finished my first draft 2 days ago but was away on a business trip with limited access and no time to edit. I couldn't sleep without getting it done, so I stayed up late into the night, and of course paid for it the next day when I could barely stay awake during my training.

I hope to send it out tomorrow (due Sunday at the latest), so my plan is to edit while my daughter naps tomorrow morning. I hope.

My husband and I had another one of those stupid conversations about how broke we are. Stupid because we have them practically every day, with no solution in sight, and a very depressing outlook. This adds yet more pressure to actually sell something. And the pressure makes it harder to write. Sigh.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Writing an Article in 20 Steps

1. Feel the urge to write something.
2. Sit at the computer. Get comfortable.
3. Open a Word document.
4. Stare.
5. Quickly bang out an opening sentence.
6. Quickly delete said opening sentence.
7. Check e-mail.
8. IM with friend who happens to be online.
9. Conclude conversation, telling friend you "must get to work."
10. Go to kitchen, prepare and consume snack.
11. Pace apartment, noting flaws in housekeeping. Consider doing a chore.
12. Return to computer, check forums for new messages.
13. Write a list of ways to procrastinate, and post list on blog.
14. Audition different colors for blog.
15. Read other blogs, chosen at random using "next blog" feature, to note color schemes.
16. Think about how you should learn a foreign language, because on your next trip the French/German/Italian fruit vendors will be so impressed when you order in their language.
17. Guiltily pull up Word document again and pour out some aimless drivel.
18. Edit.
19. E-mail to publisher.
20. You're done! You have finished your first column. Bask in the glory while contemplating the theme for your novel.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Progress Update #1

Last night I completed a draft of my column! I also re-read old columns until I fell asleep, somewhere around midnight, just before the baby woke up. And so it goes.

Of course I have some misgivings about my topic, but I'm going to continue to play with it and condense what I wrote, and see if I can get a good, funny column out of it. Or I still might scrap it altogether, but I have hope that it will work out. I hesitate to post about my ideas here for fear of stealing, so I may take this down later, but I'm currently writing about our first backpacking trip with Baby. It's amusing, and it's a contained incident, so there's not the whole cosmos full of ideas that I have to choose from.

In other news, this morning is Columbus Day, so Christopher's at work, and I'm playing SAHM with the baby. It's fun! She's napping, and I updated our family website, took out the trash, and ironed. I wish I had this time every day.

Tomorrow we leave for a 4-day work trip for me. Since I'm the main food source for Edythe and Christopher can telecommute, they are coming with me. I'm really, really pushing to get the column finished and submitted before we leave, which means all cleaning and packing need to happen during the day today, so I can write after she goes to bed. I am a whirling dervish of productivity!

Still no ideas about the novel.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


The truly great thing about a new blog, especially a new blog one hasn't publicized to friends and family yet, is that one can waste a lot of time fiddling around with different colors and fonts. How can I expect to be inspired without a truly excellent background color? It's a good thing I don't know how to upload pictures yet.

My goal for the end of the weekend, which is technically Monday night due to Columbus Day, is to write my column for the Post, and decide on a topic for the novel. Yes.

The plan of attack includes reading this week's Washington Post Magazine, and rereading old columns I've enjoyed, to see what qualities I can discern that I can also incorporate into my column. But first I need to play with the colors again. And fold the laundry.

And now I am having an asthma attack.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


I have given myself two deadlines, because I think they will help me to stay focused.

October 14: submit an original column to the Washington Post Magazine.

November 1-30: complete a novel for NaNoWriMo.

The Always Intimidating First Post

The blank page. Is there anything more intimidating?

This blog is my little (free!) way to document my quest to:

* welcome more creativity into my life
* engage in some creative writing, and
* have it published!

Academic and professional papers are no problem; I've even had a few published. But I've lost confidence in my creative writing abilities, and now the thought of writing without parameters sets me in a cold panic. How will I know what to write about, and whether it's any good, if nobody is there to give me an A? What if my writing is stupid, or insipid, or worst of all, boring?

And why now? I have a baby, a full time job, a husband who works and goes to school, three cats, and a mortgage to pay. I do not have any free time to spend writing.

Because I believe we each get one life to live, and because this is what I want, what I have always wanted, to spend my life doing. Because the thought of not doing it is more frightening than the thought of doing it. Because I want my daughter to learn that creativity and dedication are to be valued.

Because I want to be able to call myself a writer.