Thursday, October 25, 2007

Column Rejection #1?

I don't know if I should start numbering the rejection notices. It might become depressing. Or amusing. I'm also not sure whether this is a rejection or just a receipt of submission note, but seeing how it's several weeks after I sent the piece in (by e-mail), I'm guessing it's a rejection. Here's what I heard from The Washington Post:

"Thanks for your submission. We have hundreds already and can't reply indetail [sic] to everyone. If we can use your piece, or want to discuss it withyou [sic] further, we will contact you. Thanks again."

Not the most beautifully crafted of rejection letters, but I'm sure the intern who wrote it was quite busy. I particularly like the "we have hundreds already" part. Way to make a girl feel special! My poor little column, fighting for life in some giant pile, or worse, already the victim of the intern's delete button.

I figure I'm due for a lot of rejection. It's only fair. In my literary management days, I must have sent out hundreds of rejection letters. They fell into two categories; return with encouragement, and return without encouragement.

Return with encouragement was something like:

"Dear Ms. Hoover, Thank you for sending us your play, An Earthworm Went in my Mouth and I Ated It: Songs of Ralphie. While we couldn't find a place for it in our season, we did enjoy reading it, and hope you will continue to keep us informed of your work. Sincerely, Ruby Blue, Literary Manger, etc."

Return without encouragement went more like this:

"Dear Mr. Skinner, Thank you for sending us your play, Something Wicked This Way Strums: My Affair With an Evil Guitar Teacher. While we were not able to find a place for it in our season, we wish you well in all your literary endeavors. Sincerely, Ruby Blue, etc."

I would say my note from the Post was more the latter, no?

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