Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Always Intimidating First Post

The blank page. Is there anything more intimidating?

This blog is my little (free!) way to document my quest to:

* welcome more creativity into my life
* engage in some creative writing, and
* have it published!

Academic and professional papers are no problem; I've even had a few published. But I've lost confidence in my creative writing abilities, and now the thought of writing without parameters sets me in a cold panic. How will I know what to write about, and whether it's any good, if nobody is there to give me an A? What if my writing is stupid, or insipid, or worst of all, boring?

And why now? I have a baby, a full time job, a husband who works and goes to school, three cats, and a mortgage to pay. I do not have any free time to spend writing.

Because I believe we each get one life to live, and because this is what I want, what I have always wanted, to spend my life doing. Because the thought of not doing it is more frightening than the thought of doing it. Because I want my daughter to learn that creativity and dedication are to be valued.

Because I want to be able to call myself a writer.

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