Monday, October 29, 2007


This weekend, I accomplished some major cleaning out/reorganizing of the bedroom. But sadly, the radiant joy of accomplishment has been extinguished in the darkness of a bad Monday morning.

I am feeling rather hopeless about this book. I am bored trying to think up character information. I have a general idea of the setting and main character but no hint of a plot or why I should write about this person as opposed to anyone else. Other than having no other novel ideas.

Feeling bad about the novel before I even start writing is making me grouchy.

That and the lack of sleep. Edythe got her first tooth this weekend--very exciting!--but has slept poorly. Add that to my natural insomnia and horrible allergy attacks, and I am in a dark mood, indeed.

And of course all my most pushy and entitled clients are the ones to contact me this morning. It is difficult to be polite and professional sometimes. I just want to say, "Maybe if it is so critical for your son to get a job right now he should return my calls, instead of you bothering me about it multiple times a day."

Grumble grumble grumble.

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