Monday, November 19, 2007

November 19

If you haven't checked out The Rouge Wave yet, you should, for it is unmatched in its awesomeness. Although I have no interest in writing a screenplay, from my experience reading scripts I can vouch that her advice is spot-on, and is applicable to many forms of literary art. I found this in a post from yesterday:

"So often, if you have a family and a day job, the demands of others encroach upon us. It can be guilt-inducing to close the door and enter the necessary isolation to write. Somebody needs to go to the grocery store, wash the car, pay the bills – and yet you are sitting, alone, doing something that may never pay one red cent. It’s insane. But we need to do it."

That's what I wanted to say today, but she said it so much better. Go read the rest of the column, and her whole darn tootin' blog while you're at it.

And support the striking writers too, please.

Today's Word Count: 2,006 (for the second day in a row... weird)/2,000
Total Word Count: 42,107/50,000 (84%, so close I can taste it)

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