Monday, April 21, 2008

Is This the End for Our Script?

I'm at 50 pages now. Halfway there. I have 9 days left. And I think I'm calling it quits.

I'm just not enjoying this particular screenplay, and I have too little time to work on it. I end up feeling resentful of work and my family, because I don't have time for creative pursuits. Like last night. Edythe's working on a molar and an incisor. She was up until 10 in pain and screaming. Christopher and I had to have a Big Talk about whether he's going to school full-time next year or working full-time next year, involving spreadsheets and budget analysis. I went to bed at midnight with an again-screaming baby, with no writing done.

Tonight, instead of finishing painting the bathroom, or cleaning up from dinner, or folding laundry, or actually spending time with my husband, I'm in front of the computer again trying to accrue pages on this project I really dislike. And why? I already know I can write something long, in a limited amount of time. If I'm going to dedicate the time now, I need to enjoy myself doing it (or at least feel like I'm working out some compelling artistic problem). This feels like torture, and pointless.

I hate giving up on things, but sometimes it's worse not to.

I guess I'll sleep on it, see how I feel tomorrow. If I quit, I'll take a break for a few weeks, and then start on a smaller, less ambitious project without the deadline.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Inch by Inch

I made a little progress today, while Edythe was napping. I'm at 42 pages now. I should be at 63, but since I started at 28 today, and made so much progress, I have hope that I might actually finish this thing by the end of April. Maybe.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Hate Celtx and/or My Laptop

I had a long day of training. A really long day. I didn't sit down to write until 10:15. I wrote furiously for 30 minutes. I wrote 5 pages! I saved them twice.

When I shut down Celtx, it asked if I wanted to save my pages.

Yes! I said, although I'd already saved them twice.

And then my pages were gone.

I am mad. And I am much too tired to type them all again. I am so far behind already, this makes me furious. I don't have the time or the heart to retype them now, and by tomorrow they'll be lost from my brain for good.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I'm out of town at training, with long days and no computer. So I'm trying to cram a lot of writing into a very short time late at night.

The good news is, I think I'm to the point of not caring how bad this project is. I just want to get to 100 pages and finish it.

Total so far: 28/100

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Need to Go to Bed Now

Got some good ideas while out walking today.

Watched The Office and 30 Rock. Great shows. Hilarious writing. How did they think up Dwight?

Wrote some pages. Now need to make lunches. Feed cats. Wash dishes. Stop talking like cave woman.

Page Count: 10/100.
Should be at 33.4 today.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Okay. I have an outline. I have a bunch of index cards with scenes, settings, objectives, and arcs written on them. And now I'm starting to work on writing the screenplay. Again.

I think I have a much better idea of what I'm doing now, though.

Page Count: 4 out of 100.
Should be at page: 30.
But it's okay, I can catch up. I think.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Oh Thank Goodness

For the past few days, I haven't been posting about writing, because I haven't been writing.

I've decided that the screenplay I started wasn't worth continuing with.

I got through NaNoWriMo and wrote a novel, knowing it wasn't very good but wanting to see it through to the end, to prove to myself that I could complete it. This time, though, I want to devote my energy to something that might, possibly, produce a finished product I'd be willing to show someone. At least to my husband.

Over the past few days, I read a lot of scripts. I read Blake Snyder's Save the Cat. And I pitched a lot of ideas to my husband, in between entertaining his mother, who's in town for the week, switching day care providers for Edythe (a trauma unto itself), continuing with bathroom repairs, and having more of our ever-popular "what are we doing with our lives?" conversations. It's been a fun week!

But tonight I had a breakthrough, I outlined a plot I really like, I have an idea I'm passionate about, and I think things will progress better for the rest of the month. I hope so, anyway.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Slogging On

I've been reading screenplays during lunch every day, on daily script. It's a fascinating exercise, because screenplays and stage plays are paced so very differently, with much shorter scenes and all the point-of-view and shot information included in the screenplay. I'm finding I really have to have a picture in my head of what the finished product would look like, not just what the dialog would sound like. It's a good challenge.

But reading really excellent screenplays every day can give a beginner a bit of a complex, a bit of a feeling that what I'm writing is real crap.

But I'm slogging on, there's no other way to improve.

Today's count: 4 pages out of 3.33 needed
Total of: 11 out of 100 written

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

No Foolin'

I wrote 7 pages today. Pretty good! Of course I'm suspicious as to why it's all going so smoothly (am I writing crap? I am! I know I am!), and I'm worried that I'm spending too much time on exposition, but that's what a second draft is for, right? Fixing things? For now, I'm just trying to get it all on paper.

Script Frenzy is a little different than NaNoWriMo in that the goal is a daily page count, not word count. With NaNo, I needed 1667 words per day to make my goal of 50,000 in the month. For Script Frenzy, I need 3.34 pages per day to reach my goal of 100 for the month.

So far, so good! This actually seems more natural to me than novel writing, for some reason. Maybe it was all those years of script reading. Or of movie watching. At any rate, I'm having fun.

Total Pages for today: 7 out of 3.33
Total Pages written: 7 out of 100

I have to say, it did help that Edythe is feeling better and did not spend 4 hours screaming like she did last night. A healthy, sleeping baby definitely helps with the productivity. Supportive husbands who do many chores while I write are extremely helpful as well.