Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This is Why I Need NaNoWriMo

I think about writing often, I do. I come up with exciting ideas for my novel, or compose posts in my head. Just today during training I made a whole page of tightly spaced notes about new plot ideas.

But did I write anything tonight, other than this post? No. Because it's now 9:45, and after 2.5 hours of screaming, Edythe is finally in bed. I don't blame her; she has a cold, got her second tooth today, and we were trying to convince her to fall asleep in our hotel room, where she could see that we were still awake. Even once she did fall asleep, there was still the issue of us only having one laptop and Christopher having a paper to write (which he just finished). Now I'm tired. And I have more training tomorrow. Why is it that insomnia can be so brutal at night, but during any sort of training or meeting I have an intense desire to nod off?

Anyway, my point is that I do think about writing, all the time, but without the "specialness" of a month set aside in which to concentrate on it, life creeps in. Often rightfully so. Christopher has a really full schedule--more on that later--and I should do more of the housework than I have been. Plus, I want to spend as much waking time with Edythe as I can. Our hours are limited enough already.

But I do miss writing. I like many of the qualities of my day job, but it does little to fulfill my artistic/creative side. Which is maybe a good thing. In many of my arts management jobs, I was near but not in the center of the artistic action. I'm being forced to do my own creative work now, which is both more challenging and fulfilling.

1 comment:

Westward Joe said...

You can do eeeeeeet! My sister recently got back into writing and is in the same sort of situation, trying to find time to actually get anything written. So she ends up doing little snippets of stories and then going back and fleshing them out later. Good stuff. :-)

I'll take a hankering at your work when I have a chance, since I'm pretty much sitting on my hands right now because of the writer's stike.

Hope all is going well with you guys!
