Saturday, November 10, 2007

November 10

I don't want to use this blog as a forum to air my family's dirty laundry. But I do want to be honest about the daily challenges I'm facing. So let's just say that sometimes being supportive is much easier to do in theory than in practice. For me, this applies to Christopher going back to school, and for him, I think this applies to my writing and other artistic projects. If we only had a maid, so we could do our shift parenting thing and still have time to pursue our degrees/artistic fulfillment, and to sleep occasionally, without having to fight about who should have cleaned up what and when.

Little Edie has reached that "caged polar bear" stage where she knocks down, pulls out, throws, eats, or shreds everything she can get her hands on. While I'm picking up the toilet paper she's unrolled, she's pulling all her pajamas out of the drawer and grabbing the cat (the one cat that isn't knocking pictures off the bookshelf or digging up the geraniums I'm trying to winter).

So I can see why one might be frustrated when one comes home from class late at night and the place is a disaster. On the other hand, it's impossible to keep the house clean these days, especially if one is spending several hours a day writing. That's all I'm saying.

We all went out for pizza at The Lost Dog Cafe tonight, because we needed a little family fun time before the holidays, when the true family fights will begin.

Today's Word Count: 1,812/2,000
Total Word Count: 23,053/50,000 (46% of the way)

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