Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I'm here to report that I have nothing to report. At least on the writing front.

On the home front, we recently returned from an eventful trip to New England. It was fun to visit our family, but we're still fighting colds, ear infections, and such-alike as a result.

We're also dealing with some major home issues at the moment; our upstairs neighbor's washing machine broke mere hours before we were scheduled to leave for said trip, leaving us with no power, no water, no clean clothes, and several inches of water on the floor. Thank goodness my parents were able to facilitate some of the clean-up while we were gone, or there would have been no trip (or we would have come back to a seriously moldy condo). As it is, we have a cement slab for a floor and holes in the walls and ceiling. And apparently our flooring isn't being manufactured anymore, so we may have to re-floor the whole place. The jury's still out on whether our insurance will pay for this, or just for what's already been removed. The joys of homeownership!

All this is to say, I haven't been doing much writing lately, and don't have anything new to report.