Friday, November 9, 2007

November 9

I have a bone to pick with Google Documents today. Twice in the past 24 hours it has lopped off the last 53 words of what I have saved. Considering that the program auto-saves every 60 seconds while I'm typing, and considering that I always use the "save and close" function rather than just closing the document, I find this pretty annoying.

I know it has been exactly 53 words each time, since I'm tracking and updating my word counts so often. It's bizarre. I saved my work into a Word Document tonight as backup.

I am still finding this writing process frustrating. First I had a boring, meandering book. Then I tried to give it some plot by making bad stuff happen to my characters. Now I have a boring, depressing, meandering book.

Tonight I went off in a totally different direction, and now there' s a good thousand words of nonsense to add into the mix. At least it was fun to write.

I'm hoping against hope that suddenly the light bulb will go on, I'll see how it all fits together, and I'll have smooth writing from here. But I don't know. I'm not even halfway there yet. I will finish it, because I'm persistent like that, but whether the novel becomes anything is yet to be seen.

Today's Word Count: 2,187 in actually progress, but 2,293 if you count the 106 words I had to re-write because of Evil Google Documents.
Total Word Count: 21,241/50,000 (42% of the way there!)

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