Saturday, May 24, 2008

May 24, 2008

Yes, it really took this many days to have the bandwidth to post photos. So I present, a blast from the past: last weekend!

I'm so glad to have a long weekend to spend with my family. Today, Edythe and I made play dough for the first time. I didn't love any of the recipes I found, so I made up my own.

Play Dough
2 cups flour
1/3 cup salt
1 cup water
Food coloring (if you want)

Put flour and salt in a bowl and mix. In a measuring cup, add food coloring to water, then add the wet ingredients to the dry. Mix well with a spoon. Taa-daa! Play dough!

The recipes I saw all involved cooking on the stove, or adding the food coloring last, which made no sense to me. Of course this probably won't keep long, but that's okay. Edythe enjoyed eating it (I tried it; it was terrible), gooshing it in her fingers, and throwing it on the ground and stepping on it (I tried it; it was fun)!

While we were doing that, Christopher was enjoying some "free" time of fixing the washing machine and creating a new antenna for the TV. I don't pretend to know how he did it, but there was a blowtorch involved.

It works pretty well! And best of all, it's a decent replica of the giant ones he works with. I want to put tiny buildings around the bottom and pretend it's a cell tower in a subdivision.

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