Thursday, May 29, 2008

Like the Mighty Tortoise

Our internet connection at home is slow. Very slow. Like the mighty tortoise. Like watching grass grow. I'm talking wait 5 minutes for a page to load kind of slow. And forget uploading pictures. How frustrating!

This also reminds me how annoyed I get when things (or people, for that matter) don't do what they're supposed to do, when they're supposed to do it. Like the jerks who block the box at a particular intersection on my way to work so I can't cross when my light is green, for example. Why can't you just wait your turn? Can't you see that I have important things to do, such as being slightly less late to work than I am already running?

Anyway. So. Sorry. I wrote a lot this weekend, had pics to go with it, but couldn't get it to load. Clearly my internet connection has no sense of my busy busy schedule and my deep-seated sense of self-importance.

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