Monday, April 21, 2008

Is This the End for Our Script?

I'm at 50 pages now. Halfway there. I have 9 days left. And I think I'm calling it quits.

I'm just not enjoying this particular screenplay, and I have too little time to work on it. I end up feeling resentful of work and my family, because I don't have time for creative pursuits. Like last night. Edythe's working on a molar and an incisor. She was up until 10 in pain and screaming. Christopher and I had to have a Big Talk about whether he's going to school full-time next year or working full-time next year, involving spreadsheets and budget analysis. I went to bed at midnight with an again-screaming baby, with no writing done.

Tonight, instead of finishing painting the bathroom, or cleaning up from dinner, or folding laundry, or actually spending time with my husband, I'm in front of the computer again trying to accrue pages on this project I really dislike. And why? I already know I can write something long, in a limited amount of time. If I'm going to dedicate the time now, I need to enjoy myself doing it (or at least feel like I'm working out some compelling artistic problem). This feels like torture, and pointless.

I hate giving up on things, but sometimes it's worse not to.

I guess I'll sleep on it, see how I feel tomorrow. If I quit, I'll take a break for a few weeks, and then start on a smaller, less ambitious project without the deadline.

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