Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Hate Celtx and/or My Laptop

I had a long day of training. A really long day. I didn't sit down to write until 10:15. I wrote furiously for 30 minutes. I wrote 5 pages! I saved them twice.

When I shut down Celtx, it asked if I wanted to save my pages.

Yes! I said, although I'd already saved them twice.

And then my pages were gone.

I am mad. And I am much too tired to type them all again. I am so far behind already, this makes me furious. I don't have the time or the heart to retype them now, and by tomorrow they'll be lost from my brain for good.


Sheila said...

Hey Ruby Blue,
Sheila here from Celtx.

We're very sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience with Celtx. I'd be mad as hell too.

There are a couple of known issues (see release notes - ) that may be the cause of your problem, but we're unable to positively verify without getting further details from you and ideally, get a closer 'under-the-hood' look at your project.

If you are keen for assistance, please email me directly at sheila at celtx dot com. Hopefully, we can help you have a better day.

Sheila Crosbie

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