Monday, March 24, 2008


Writing blog entries is like screaming into the darkness. Does anyone hear me? No one? Someone creepy? Some snarky troll? I don’t tend to get a lot of feedback on here, obviously, although a few people comment via e-mail. (Thanks, Aunt!) But for the most part, I put ideas out, and get nothing back. Which perhaps would be a good analogy for the process of trying to get published, although in that case one usually gets a rejection letter, at least.

It’s also kind of odd, writing about the writing process, because so much of it is private. It’s one thing to talk about a daily wordcount, as a way of holding myself accountable. It’s another to talk about my process in-depth.

But Script Frenzy begins in a week, so I’m guessing that soon I’ll be posting up a storm. I’m developing an idea that I’m excited about, and creating an ever-increasing and detailed plot summary. I think I’ll write a screenplay this time. And if, somewhere far down the road, someone crafts a pair of million-dollar shoes for my big feet, you can bet I’ll wear them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read! I applaud. And I'm wildly curious about your etsy shop-to-be...